1384445989C4DD95DDE2759B690CD13C The recipe for couscous with seven vegetables
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The recipe for couscous with seven vegetables

Couscous is one of the emblematic dishes of traditional Moroccan cuisine. This national dish has a very strong symbolism of sharing and conviviality. We gather around a good couscous to demonstrate the hospitality and generosity that characterize Moroccans so well. It is also the customary meal of Friday lunchtime, a tradition that is well-established in the Kingdom!

Vegetarian, with meat, chicken or sweet flavored with cinnamon and garnished with almonds... couscous can be prepared according to the occasion and the many regional variations. Karim Benbaba, the Chef of the Grande Table Marocaine of the Royal Mansour Marrakech reveals his recipe for traditional couscous with seven vegetables. Its preparation requires the use of a couscoussier to steam the couscous grains and a well-adapted pot (bottom of the couscoussier) where the vegetables will cook.


To make couscous with seven vegetables (for 05 people), follow these steps:

Preparing the semolina

  • 1 kg of durum wheat couscous
  • 10 cl of olive oil
  • 3 l of water (1 l to water the couscous and 2 l to boil in the pot
  • Salt

Place the semolina in a deep dish. Salt. Pour in the olive oil and roll the couscous by hand. Sprinkle the couscous with a glass of water. Mix and rub the grains between your hands to separate them well. Leave to rest for 5 minutes.

Pour 2 liters of water into the pot and bring to the boil. Place the semolina in the couscoussier. Cook for 20 minutes from the moment when the steam escapes completely through the couscous.  Remove the top of the couscoussier.

Pour the couscous into a dish. Separate the grains with oiled hands and sprinkle with the remaining half of the water and let stand for 5 minutes. Put it back in the top of the couscoussier. Cook for 15 minutes. Pour into the dish, sprinkle with the remaining water and repeat the couscous steaming for the third time for 15 minutes. Separate the grains again. Let stand. Set aside.

Vegetable preparation

  • 700 g carrots
  • 800 g turnips
  • 600 g zucchini
  • 1 kg pumpkin
  • 450 g green cabbage
  • 160 g chickpeas
  • 600 g eggplants
  • 600 g vine tomatoes
  • 300 g medium-hot pepper
  • 5 g powdered ginger
  • 30 cl olive oil
  • Ground pepper
  • Fine salt

Soak the chickpeas 24 hours in advance and cook them in salted water for 2 hours. Drain the chickpeas and remove the membranes surrounding them. Peel the turnips and carrots. Cut them into 5 cm pieces. Round off the ends. Cut the eggplants into 5/2 cm sticks, keeping one side with skin. Wash and remove the cabbage leaves and cut into quarters.  Peel and cut the pumpkin into 3/3 cm cubes. Reserve all the vegetable trimmings. Wash the tomatoes, taking care to keep the calyxes. Keep the peppers whole.

Preparing the broth (1.2 litres net)

  • 1.5 l water
  • 150 g onion
  • 100 g tomato
  • ½ bunch flat-leaf parsley
  • ½ bunch coriander
  • 80 g tomato paste
  • 3 g turmeric
  • 200 g carrots (trimmings)
  • 200 g turnip (trimmings)
  • 250 g zucchini (trimmings)
  • 2.5 g powdered ginger
  • 12.5 g fresh ginger
  • Fine salt
  • Ground pepper

Peel, wash and cut the tomatoes and onions into mirepoix. Wash and remove the parsley and coriander leaves. Use them in a bouquet garni.  In the lower part of the couscoussier, heat a drizzle of olive oil. Add the spices, onions, and fresh tomatoes. Sweat everything without coloring. Moisten with water. Add all the vegetable trimmings. Bring to the boil. Cook over very low heat for 40 to 45 minutes. Pass the broth through a strainer. Set aside.

Cooking the vegetables

Cook the vegetables separately in the cooking broth. Remove each variety separately. Pass the cooking broth through a chinois and set aside.

Finishing and presenting the couscous

Heat the vegetables and chickpeas in their slightly reduced broth. Pour the couscous into the couscoussier and heat for about ten minutes. Pour the couscous into a deep dish and season. Cut the butter into small pieces. Roll the semolina between your hands, gradually incorporating the butter. Arrange the semolina in a dome in a tagine or a very large dish. Form a crater on the dome. Arrange the vegetables, alternating the colors. Cover with a little broth. Serve a sauceboat on the side with extra garnish. Serve hot.
