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Food: World Food Day 2024

what are eating disorders or eating disorders?

Eating disorders refer to eating disorders or eating behavior disorders. These are disorders in which the relationship with food is disturbed. There is a prevalence of these food-related pathologies among adolescents in France. These pathologies affect between 1% and 3% of adolescents. The most common eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia and binge eating. A new form of eating disorder is developing but is not yet recognized as an illness: orthorexia. Orthorexia is characterized by a nervous obsession with healthy eating.

weight loss continues below the person's minimum weight for their age and height,

concerns and body shape become overwhelming and impact the person's social life,

young girls may experience an interruption or disruption of their periods.

How to treat eating disorders or EDs?

Often associated with significant psychological distress and serious health problems, EDs must be treated quickly. There are different treatments available:

drug treatments: they are not targeted at a specific ED, and act more on the patient's mood,

  • Cognitive and behavioral therapies,
  • Psychotherapy and interpersonal therapy,
  • Group therapies,
  • Family therapy,
  • Day hospitalization.

 To benefit from the care corresponding to your personal case, that of your loved one or to know more and have more information or medical advice, we remind you that it is essential to contact and consult a doctor.

Which professionals can treat eating disorders? general practitioner, nutritionist, dietician, psychologist, psychiatrist.

Eating disorders must be taken seriously and must be the subject of medical and psychological support. The situation can quickly deteriorate to the point of leading to psychological distress such as suicide attempts, which are not uncommon in people suffering from eating disorders. Medication support can be considered with psychological treatment in conjunction with professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists). Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies are effective on eating disorders. In severe cases of anorexia or bulimia, when the risk of self-harm is high, hospitalization with a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, nutritionists, and psychologists is sometimes necessary.

What to do in the event of an eating disorder in adolescents?

During adolescence, school, emotional or family disappointments, bereavement or a weight loss diet can have significant consequences. Several factors can cause loved ones to miss the adolescent's anorexia nervosa by taking this disorder for a food whim, a lack of appetite, a weight loss diet. If you suspect anorexia in your child, start by learning about this illness in order to find the right words when you choose to talk about it together. Take your child to see a general practitioner so that they can be taken care of by professionals. Once your child has started their therapeutic work, it may be beneficial to share meals as a family, share meal preparation. It is possible to monitor children's diet at any age: monitoring the child's diet from 0 to 3 years old.

What food(s) to eat to lose weight?

The best foods to lose weight are the lowest calorie foods. To follow a diet, you can both the quantities of food ingested, make sure to eat low-calorie foods and eat lightly in the evening. The lowest calorie products are, for example:

  • hake
  • the white parts of poultry,
  • low-fat cottage cheese,
  • apples etc.

If you decide to start a diet, it is useful to seek advice from a doctor.


What are the 10 best foods for health? iron, anti-inflammatories...

The best foods for health are often rich in fiber and antioxidants, good fats and omega 3 fatty acids... We can cite, for example:

  1. Spinach,
  2. Berries,
  3. Broccoli,
  4. Carrot,
  5. Orange,
  6. Apple,
  7. Olive,
  8. Almond,
  9. Salmon,
  10. Sardine,

What diet from 65 years old?

People who are getting older have specific needs. They can always seek dietary advice from their doctor to adapt their diet and their specific health situation. Generally speaking, seniors need to maintain and maintain their muscle mass. They need sources of protein. For lipids, they can favor vegetable oils. And for carbohydrates, whole grains are, for example, suitable. We must not forget vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12 and calcium.

What is the healthiest diet?

A balanced diet includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, according to the WHO. Free sugars (those added to food) should ideally represent 5% of the daily energy intake, or, on average, the equivalent of about ten teaspoons. And less than 5 grams of iodized salt (one teaspoon per day). 30% of the daily intake should consist of fats, favoring unsaturated fats (fish, avocado, nuts, etc.).
