what about Tajine

 How to make the Moroccan tagine with meat and vegetables has several recipes, and it is one of the most delicious desserts in Morocco. Let us know the following on how to make the Moroccan tagine with meat and vegetables, and the Moroccan tagine with meat and potatoes:

 Half a kilo of meat.
 A large onion.
 One sliced ​​tomato.
 3 fruits of zucchini.
 3 fruits of carrots.
 3 pieces of potatoes.
 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
 Half a teaspoon of minced garlic.
 Chopped parsley.
 Half a teaspoon of turmeric.
 Minced ginger.
 Salt and black pepper.
 Pinch of paprika.

 Put the tajine on the fire, add the oil and saute the garlic with it until we get a golden color.
 Add the onions and meat and stir well together until the color of the meat changes.
 Put salt, black pepper, spices, ginger and turmeric, stirring on a quiet fire.
 Vegetables are washed and cut into slices.
 Add vegetables to the tagine, put the zucchini on the face.
 Sprinkle with salt and paprika, then add water, and leave the ingredients on the fire until fully cooked.
 The tagine is served hot .

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